Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Positive Youth Development.

Today, I did a Youth Development Ideology Inventory. It is a quiz that helps you see what type of Youth Development you identify with. There were three types that were listed: Risk, Resiliency, and Prevention, Positive Youth Development, and Critical Youth Development.
This is not the first time I have taken this quiz. During the first few parts, I was beginning to lean towards Critical Youth Development, and I wondered, "Have I really changed that much since last semester?" but then I ended with the result of Positive Youth Development, which is the result I got the last time I took this quiz. There were six parts to this Inventory. Although I did not score a "1" on all of the parts that were listed, and without giving too much away in case you would like to take the quiz for yourself, I find myself nodding my head and feeling passionate about a few of the statements in the inventory that matched with Positive Youth Development.
In a nutshell, Positive Youth Development wants youth to "build upon their 'developmental assests'" by discovering and accepting who they are and they believe through activities, opportunities, and experiences that allow them to "make meaning" in their own way and being fully aware of what they have to offer. Two of the statements that really struck out to me were Childhood and Evaluation. For Childhood, it stated that, "Childhood is essentially a time when youth unfold according to their own innate natures, felt needs, organic impulses, and internal timetables. The focus is on youth as they are during childhood rather than as they might be as adults." This statement is everything I could ever imagine when working with youth. When I would work with my campers at the South County YMCA, I focused on who they were at that exact moment, and what could potentially make someone their age act they way were, positive or negative. Every child is different, therefore everything they do is not exactly the same as others.
For evaluation, it spoke about continuously finding new ways to shape youth's environment based on their needs and growth. This truly spoke to me because gradually changing an activity, a lesson plan, or how you approach a situation can all depend on what group you are working with. Having your learning environment grow with your youth sounds nothing more than productive, useful, and beneficial as the environment change alongside with its youth.
After taking this quiz, I realized that no two people will have the same results. Although I identified with Positive Youth Development, there are statements I agreed most with that did not fall under that category, making my outlook on Youth Development one of a kind and unique from the forms of others.

Link to the Quiz!
What Type of Youth Development Do You Identify With?!
Youth Development Ideology Inventory


  1. We both scored high in this area! I completely agree with everything you said and loved the quote you used. I believe in order to be a successful youth worker, It is crucial to know the differences in each child you work with. Once you are speaking the same language/on the same page, you can accomplish anything. Learning becomes more fun and relevant to whatever stage they are in life.

    (Love your background btw!!)

  2. Although I did not score under the same category I completely agree to what you wrote and loved the quote as well.

  3. Mel, I like how in the middle of the quiz you were wondering if you had changed since last year. I had the same experience. I felt like I then started to think of the statements in a way that would fit the horoscope I would want to fit, vs the one I would instinctively pick. Overall, I think we can all identify with a few statements from each horoscope.

  4. I am glad to see that you also has the result of positive youth development. I hope that you are able to apply the exponential factors included in this quiz in your future endeavors.
